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Healthy eating , Nutrition

Discover our best practices for healthy eating when travelling

When embarking on a trip, it’s easy to let go of good eating habits and indulge in excess. However, maintaining a balanced diet while travelling is essential for your well-being and energy levels.

10 tips when travelling

1. Plan your meals in advance

When planning your trip, take the time to plan your meals in advance. Look for restaurants or establishments that offer healthy options in the places you visit.

Check online reviews to find restaurants that offer healthy and nutritious food. Look for places that focus on vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. Also be sure to check if they offer vegetarian, vegan or gluten-free options, depending on your dietary preferences.  Don’t hesitate to contact restaurants for more information about their menus and cooking practices.

Also plan to bring healthy snacks with you, such as fruit, nuts or energy bars. This will ensure that you are not caught unprepared and that you choose nutritious foods rather than settling for less healthy options.

2. Go to local markets

Also, identify supermarkets near where you are staying, as they can be convenient for buying basic food items.

When you are travelling, visit local markets to buy fresh produce. Markets are often full of fruit, vegetables and other healthy foods. By buying local produce, you are also supporting local farmers and producers. Take the opportunity to discover new flavors and typical products from the region you are visiting.

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3. Choose well-balanced local dishes

When eating out, try to choose well-balanced local dishes. World cuisines are full of healthy and delicious dishes. Choose dishes made with vegetables, lean meats, fish or whole grains. Avoid dishes that are fried, too fatty or too sweet. Also ask for your dish to be prepared with less oil or salt if necessary.

4. Maintain adequate hydration

Staying hydrated during your trip is essential. Water is still the best option to keep you hydrated throughout the day. Always carry a reusable water bottle with you and drink regularly, especially in hot weather or when you are physically active. If tap water is not available at your destination, consider buying bottled water.

Avoid sugary drinks and soft drinks, as they can contain empty calories and promote dehydration. Also limit your alcohol intake, as it can have a diuretic effect and dehydrate your body. If you are looking for alternatives to water, choose healthy drinks such as herbal teas with no added sugar, green tea or fresh fruit juice. However, be sure to drink these beverages in moderation as they may contain extra calories.

5. Avoid overindulgence

While experiencing new local flavors and cuisines is an exciting part of travelling, it is important not to overindulge. Limit your intake of alcohol, sweets and processed foods. Listen to your body and stop eating when you are full. Make occasional indulgent choices but keep the balance by choosing healthy foods at most meals.

6. Prepare your own meals

If you are staying in accommodation with a kitchen, take the opportunity to prepare your own meals. This gives you total control over the ingredients you use and allows you to choose healthy options. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also be able to cook according to your dietary preferences.

7. Balance your meals

When planning your meals, make sure you balance them by including a variety of foods.

Aim for a meal that includes protein, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats. Avoid focusing on just one type of food and look for a balanced combination instead.

8. Choose lighter options when travelling

When travelling by plane, train or bus, it can be tempting to opt for the unhealthy snacks available on board. However, many transport companies now offer healthier options. Opt for fruit, nuts or cereal bars rather than snacks high in salt, sugar or fat. If you are able to bring your own snacks, choose convenient and nutritious foods.

Pay attention to portion sizes

When you’re travelling, it’s easy to lose track of portions and get carried away with large amounts of food. Try to watch your portions by stopping when you are full. Listen to your body and don’t force yourself to finish your plate if you’re not hungry anymore. You can also ask for smaller portions or share a dish with your travelling companion to avoid food waste.

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10. Stay active

Physical activity is a key part of a healthy lifestyle, even when travelling. Take the opportunity to discover new physical activities in the places you visit. Walk, cycle, swim or take part in local yoga classes. Physical activity will help you maintain your energy, burn calories and stay fit while you travel.

Eating well while travelling is possible with planning and awareness of your food choices. By following these tips, you can maintain a balanced diet while exploring new flavours and enjoying your trip. Remember that travelling is an opportunity to experience new cultures, including their cuisine. It’s important to find a balance between culinary exploration and taking care of your well-being. Enjoy your trip by taking care of your body and nourishing your mind.

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